Te Matau ā Pohe & Kotuitui Whitinga Bridge Maintenance

Whangarei District Council
Project description
Scope has been engaged by the Whangarei District Council to asset manage two bridges - Te Matau a Pohe and Kotuitui Whitinga to ensure emergency repairs and scheduled inspections and maintenance and are completed in a timely manner.

Efficient maintenance management is achieved by a bridge team consisting of three maintenance contractors (electrical, hydraulic and general maintenance) an operations contractor, Whangarei District Council and the Project (Asset) Manager.

The team has a monthly asset management meeting chaired by the Project Manager – when maintenance is planned and technical and operational issues are raised and dealt with before they result in a failure leading to the bridges becoming inoperable. This proactive approach has meant the  downtime of the bridges and unplanned closures to date have been negligible.

Service detail

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