Te Matau ā Pohe & Kotuitui Whitinga Bridge Maintenance
Efficient maintenance management is achieved by a bridge team consisting of three maintenance contractors (electrical, hydraulic and general maintenance) an operations contractor, Whangarei District Council and the Project (Asset) Manager.
The team has a monthly asset management meeting chaired by the Project Manager – when maintenance is planned and technical and operational issues are raised and dealt with before they result in a failure leading to the bridges becoming inoperable. This proactive approach has meant the downtime of the bridges and unplanned closures to date have been negligible.
Service detail
Related project partnerships
Kotuitui Whitinga Footbridge
An iconic Whangārei community-owned structure.
Te Matau ā Pohe
Te Matau ā Pohe has won a number of international and national awards for excellence in design and construction.